Module for EDI 9.12 | Installing and Using EDI Module | Before Creating the Service to Process EDI Documents | Samples
For samples, see the flow services in the sampleServices folder of the WmEDIsamples package, which is located under Code Samples in the Technical community section of the Empower Product Support website at The samples in this folder have been certified by Software AG.
* The sampleServices:X12toValues service illustrates how to use the wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service to convert an ANSI X12 document to an IData object at one time and process it.
* The sampleServices:UNEDIFACTtoValues service illustrates how to use the wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues service to convert a UN/EDIFACT document to an IData object at one time and process it.
* The sampleServices:Iterator810 service illustrates how to process an ANSI X12 810 document iteratively, segment by segment.
Additionally, the Tutorial.EDItoXML:processEDI850_4010 service shows a complete sample that converts an ANSI X12 850 document to an IData object and maps the data from the EDI document to an XML document.
Delete the WmEDIsamples package before going into production.